High-Quality Check of Software Functionality

Functional testing in QA is a way to ensure software reliability and validate its interface and specifications against the requirements. By running software tests, our QA team identifies if your product is ready for release. Tests results also tell about the actual status of the product at the specific time.

During the functional testing, our QA engineers check mainline functions for:


Incorrect Specifications


Missing Functionality


User Interface Errors


Initialization Errors

Release a Product You Are Confident In


With software functional testing, you get:

Product inspection from an end-user perspective.

Replication of user and business requirements.

Testing of real-life scenarios on real devices.

Knowledge of existing issues and related risks.

An opportunity to fix those issues before release.

A software product free of critical bugs.

Satisfied end-users/customers.

How Does the Functional Testing Process Go?

Introductory Call

Project Discussion

Software Analysis

Work Model Selectionn

Agreement Signing

Customer Care Engagement

Demo Meeting

Teams Acquaintance


Bug reporting

Deliverables Provision

Ongoing Support

Let's start a new project together

QA Madness covers a full scope of the QA-related services. We run manual & automated testing for web and mobile projects and ensure continuous support at each stage of development.
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Manual vs Automated Functional Testing

Functional testing can be manual and automated. Usually, the combination of both works the best. The QA process always starts with manual testing, and automation can be implemented later on. The team will advise on the optimal solution after they learn about your product.

Functional Testing

If you have a new product with recently developed features, we’ll start with manual testing. It also works best for short-term and small projects. Some types of testing can be manual only or too complicated to automate.

Functional Testing

Functional automation is a go-for solution for large and long-term projects. When there are stable functionality and features that won’t undergo changes, the QA team can start implementing test automation on a project.

Functional Testing Tools We Use

These are the tools our team uses for functional test planning and testing the most frequently. If you prefer other solutions, just let us know.

Bug tracking systems
jira logo
ttrello logo
pivotal logo
youtrack logo
axosoft logo

Test case management tools
testrail logo
testcaselab logo
testcolab logo
practitest icon

Communication platforms
slack logo
skype logo
headstore logo
microsoft team logo

Files sharing apps
zeplin logo
avocade logo
basecamp logo
invision logo
figma logo

Interested in the functional testing services for your product? Let’s discuss the details!

Fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

    Case Studies

    Let's test your project

    The easy way to ensure software faultless performance is to hire experienced and highly qualified QA engineers.
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